
Below are the games that I’ve worked on. Each has a ​brief description of the game (such as what the game ​was for and my role in making it) as well as a video ​showcasing the game play.

For most of these projects, I used Unity as the game ​engine, although I have experience in Godot, and ​either Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or the ​engine’s built in IDE for the coding IDE.

A Lonely Rogue

A Lonely Rogue was solo project I ​worked on over 3 months.

This was a way for me to learn ​Godot and make full game that ​could be published for anyone to ​play.

The programs I used for this were ​Godot for the engine and Aseprite ​for the art.

The link for the published game can ​be found here.

Tidy Ocean

I led a team of 5 over a 2-day period ​to create a trash collection game.

This was for the Climate Change ​Game Jam 2024. The game was ​awarded “Best Ocean Themed ​Game” and “Best Original ​Soundtrack”. I was the project lead ​and a programmer for this game.

The software that I used for this ​were Unity for the game engine and ​Visual Studio for the code.

The link for the game is on ​here.


Everon was an uncompleted solo project I worked on during the summer of 2023.

It was made to be a recreation of a game from my childhood called Vesteria but I had to stop working on it due to schoolwork. The base mechanics of the game were finished and are shown in the video.

The software that I used for this were Unity, Visual Studio Code, Blender for the 3D modeling, and GIMP for the 2D assets.

The link for the game is on my GitHub here.

We Need to Talk

I led a team of 5 over a 2-day period to create a digital card game.

This was for the Global Game Jam 2024 and the theme was “Make me laugh”. I was the project lead and one of the three programmers for this game. The idea was to parody content creator apology videos.

The software that I used for this were Unity for the game engine and Visual Studio for the coding.

The link for the game is on the GGJ page here.


I led a team of 7 over a semester to create a monster collection turn-based RPG.

This was for a semester project for one of our classes. I was the project lead, the 2D artist, and one of the programmers for this project.

The software that I used for this were Unity for the game engine, Visual Studio Code for coding, and GIMP for the 2D assets.

The link for the game is on my GitHub here.

Other Projects

Below are a list of other projects I’ve worked on that aren’t video games

Code Examples

Code that I have written and worked on can be found on my GitHub.

These range from C++, C#, and Python. I also have experience in Java.

3D Modeling and Rendering

Leadership & Work Experience

Ohio University Game Developers Association | Spring 2024 - Fall 202​4


  • Organized and planned the club events and general body meetings by creating a weekly ​schedule for the club to keep both officers and members informed on what was ​happening
  • Assisted the committee members in running and presenting both general body and ​committee meetings

Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club | Summer 2017, Summer 2018, Summer 2019, Summer 2021


  • Coordinated with fellow employees to complete tasks by organizing people into smaller ​tasks based on their own strengths and weaknesses to complete tasks more efficiently
  • Collaborated with others inside the work environment from different departments to ​complete tasks quickly and effectively

Westerville Central Marching Band | Fall 2020

Section Leader

  • Maximized members enjoyment while minimizing time spent not practicing the current ​music by setting goals on what the section should be working on for that specific day
  • Distributed information between member of the percussion section by coordinating times ​for various events in person and over electronic devices


From a young age, I’ve always loved computers and video games and have been interacting with both since I was very little. I am studying computer science in my fourth year at Ohio university and I am currently the secretary of the Ohio University Game Design Association. I wish to create games that can bring some joy into people's lives.


Please let me know if you have any questions
